What is Podcasting?
Watch or listen to this short presentation on podcasting by Pwop CEO Carl Franklin:

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The word Podcasting describes the technology used to push audio content from
websites down to consumers, who then listen on their iPod (hence the "pod") or other
mp3 player. Also see the Wikipedia Definition of Podcasting.
Podcasting is not unlike time-shifted video software and devices like
TiVo, which let you watch what you want
when you want by recording and storing video, except that podcasting is used
for audio. I should note, however, that the technology can be used to push any kind
of file including software updates, pictures, videos, etc.
Podcasting uses an XML-based technology called RSS, or Real Simple Syndication.
Content publishers describe new content in an XML RSS file which includes dates,
titles, descriptions, and links to MP3 files. This auto-generated file is called
an RSS feed. RSS was invented by
Dave Winer, a pioneer in the world of applied
XML. The key to making podcasting work with RSS is
enclosures, a feature supported
by RSS 2.0.
As a consumer, you run
an aggregator program
on your computer, which lets you subscribe to RSS feeds. These programs
will periodically download the RSS files, and check to see if new content is available.
If so, the audio files are automatically downloaded to a folder on your hard
disk or directly to your mp3 player.
Pwop CEO, Carl Franklin has been publishing
.NET Rocks!
, an Internet audio talk-show since August 2002, and immediately got on the podcasting
bandwagon .NET Rocks! is listed in
Adam Curry's list of
podcasting pioneers.
Read this story from
Wired Magazine
in which Franklin was quoted about the future of podcasting. You can also read about Pwop in the Wikipedia History of Podcasting.
More links to Pwop in the media here